Thursday, January 24, 2008

Blog-Reading is Not a Spectator Sport

Define world-class.

Ready . . . GO!

(Yes, seriously, let's go. The comments section awaits you . . .)


Brent Miller said...

world-class: the top 10% in the world in whatever metric

Jacob Haqq Misra said...

World class:

An object that inherits methods from the Universe class.

A course in which students reside in different regions of the globe.

A marketing gimmick applicable to persons/objects that have received any degree of international exposure.

Brent Miller said...

World class:

An object that inherits methods from the Universe class.


The conventional World is smaller than the conventional Universe, so your object relational model is flawed.

Jacob Haqq Misra said...

I knew you'd reply to that. :)

Brent Miller said...

The day is mine!

Nick Ritchey said...

math class: a class that studies math

English class: a class that studies English

world class: a class that studies the world

my private class: a class that studies my privates

Hope this helped!

Derek said...


Although, technically being Computer Science geeks, a private class would be a data pattern in object oriented programming:


Nick Ritchey said...

wikipedia's ridiculous.

come to think of it, I've never contributed a damn thing to wikipedia... perhaps I should extend private class to include my private class... ^_^