Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Semi-Regular Update (i.e. Twitter)

So, it's time for another post, eh? This will be brief. I've been finding myself using Twitter a lot because it's much faster/easier for those "semi-regular thoughts", which was the purpose of this blog to begin with. I seem to be sticking with Twitter a lot better than I ever have with a blog, so you might want to add that to the list of sites you watch. Here's the URL:

That's not to say I'll never add to this blog again, but I'm not going to make it a focus anymore. Generally, things I want to opine about and are longer than the 140-character limit that Twitter imposes will show up here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Problem With the Delta 747s

Well, aside from the fact that they are Northwest 747s that have been re-painted due to the merger, the biggest problem is the size of the lettering for the Delta logo.

Here is the repainted NWA 747-400 in Delta livery:

Now, compare that with the old (er, still "current" on some aircraft) NWA livery:

Or still, compare that with the livery of Virgin Atlantic, another large international airline:

So, which livery is the hardest to read at a distance? And which livery is the least imaginative/creative? The answer to those questions should not be Delta, which is now the largest airline in the world.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Double-whiskey, Coke no ice

The Hold Steady has roots in Minnesota, which is pretty cool.

I've sampled a few of their albums and generally one or two songs on each album is really good, but the rest are junk (IMHO, of course).

(Title comes from the song "Constructive Summer")

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

We Said Goodnight to Broadway, Giving It Our Best Regards

Very soon, it seems, I'll be working on development for My manager is down in ATL today talking with some of our counterparts, er, colleagues, and it seems they're a little short-staffed.

This makes me a little sad. We put so much time into the redesign of, and received a lot of accolades within the company and from the outside (customers, competitors, etc.). But day by day, it's slowly slipping away... :(

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Screw Microsoft

Check out this post over at Ryan Rampersad's blog:

It seems Microsoft couldn't take a little heat from the developer community about the horrible Internet Explorer browser. So, they either bought out the website/domain name or threatened the website owner.

The old site now redirects to a download page for IE. And what's worse is that they're suggesting users download a beta copy of IE8 from that page. Regardless of Google's perpetual beta projects, applications in beta status are not meant for mass consumption.

Screw Microsoft.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Encouragement FAIL

Uh, are you kidding me?

I just received an invitation spam from HSBC Direct. Apparently, they want me to open a $25,000 or more CD with a craptacular 3.10% APY, and to encourage me to do it in the next six days, they're going to reward me with an extra $75. I know, a whole $75!

Let's do a simple calculation: $75 / $25,000 = 0.003. So, on a 3.10% APY CD, they're going to give me a three-tenths of a percent bonus for letting them use my $25k for the next six months.


Edited to correct my decimal place error.